Archive for the ‘Competitions’ Category

Scholastic Picture Book Award Competition Open to Asian-Themed Books in Translation

The Scholastic Picture Book Award 2015 competition is open. Entries of unpublished, Asian-themed picture books up to 500 words will be accepted until December 19, 2014, at 5 p.m. Singapore time.

Picture book text must be in English, but works in languages other than English may be considered, if an English translation is submitted with the original text and illustrations.

Here is a Japanese version of the entry form and competition rules: Japanese Translation Scholastic Picture Book Award 2015 Entry Form

Japanese authors and illustrators who seek a translator for this competition are encouraged to email SCBWI Japan Translation Group: japan (at)

For a nominal fee, a member of SCBWI Japan Translation Group will translate the text plus bio(s) of the author and/or illustrator and a summary of the book. The translator will also provide a translator bio. The translator will request an introduction to the publisher if an English-language version of the book is slated for publication.

We hope that many Japanese picture book creators will participate in this competition!


  • アジア在住のアジア人であり、18歳以上の絵本作家、イラストレーターであれば誰でも応募できます。プロ、アマを問いません。
  • 0歳から6歳を対象とした、アジアに関連する内容、お話の絵本(長さは最大500ワード。日本語としておおよそ原稿用紙4〜5枚程度以内)を2014年12月19日17:00(シンガポール時間)まで受け付け中です。



SCBWI Japan Translation Groupでは優秀なネイティブ文芸翻訳者が英訳のお手伝いをします。ご希望の方は japan (at) 宛にメールでご連絡ください。




SingTel Asian Picture Book Award Competition Open to Translations

The SingTel Asian Picture Book Award will be given for the first time in 2013.  Entries of unpublished, Asian-themed picture books up to 500 words are being accepted until December 31.

Entries must be in English, but the competition is open to translated works, and thanks to SCBWI Tokyo member Naomi Kojima, there is also a Japanese entry form.

Here is the Japanese entry form: Japanese translation SingTel2013 Entry Form2013

Japanese authors and illustrators who seek a translator for this competition are encouraged to email SCBWI Tokyo Translation Group: contact (a)


シングテル・アジア絵本賞2013 和訳応募要項 ・応募フォームはこちら:応募フォーム

SCBWI Tokyo Translation Groupでは優秀なネイティブ文芸翻訳者が英訳のお手伝いをします。ご希望の方は contact (at) 宛にメールでご連絡下さい。